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Role of the NMCC




NMCC inspectors perform accountancy, physical, and other verifications on the nuclear material present at the installations to verify the correctness and coherence of these declarations with the physical reality.

Sample Analysis

In order to confirm the operator’s measurement precision, accuracy and the reliability of the material balance reports, take a small amount of nuclear material sample, and analyze in the Japan’s safeguards analytical laboratories.

Information Processing

By checking the accuracy, completeness and coherence of operator’s accounting records and measurement of nuclear materials, maintain the quality of operator's accounting system to the international standard level.

Information Analysis

To examine correctness of operator’s measurement system, various information obtained in safeguards inspection, and analysis results of the samples are statistically compared with operator’s accounting reports.

Major Functions
Major Functions

SSAC Structure

Regulatory authority

NRA is responsible for nuclear material accounting and control authority includes to issue licenses for the handling of nuclear material, approve accounting provisions, collect information to be provided to the IAEA, and carry out national inspections and other in-field verification activities.

Implementing Body

NMCC, designated as safeguards implementation body, performs safeguards information processing and data analysis, national safeguards inspection and analysis of DA samples, etc.

Implementing Body

Safeguards Policy


Japan’s Atomic Energy Basic Law commits the research, development and utilization of nuclear energy shall be limited to peaceful purposes.


Japan will abide by international commitments such as NPT, safeguards agreement, additional protocol, bilateral nuclear agreement etc.


Maintaining the national system of accounting for and control of nuclear materials at the international standards of accountancy level, verifying the correctness, completeness and coherence of operator accountancy declarations, in order to ensure the peaceful use of Japan's nuclear energy and its transparency.

Legal framework to promote peaceful use of nuclear energy
Legal framework to promote peaceful use of nuclear energy