International Cooperation
Technical assistance and cooperation for the implementation of effective and efficient IAEA safeguards
- Joint use of safeguards equipment
- Three-comparison of DA analysis
- Joint design of safeguards approach
- Voluntary provision of published information
- Secretariat of the Japan Support Program for Agency Safeguards(JASPAS)
Other Organizations
International cooperation in the field of nuclear material management through the communication and exchange of information with the International organizations and countries.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC)
- Asia Pacific Safeguards Network (APSN)
Regular Consultations with IAEA
Japan and IAEA have communication and consultation mechanism with various layers, to make close cooperation both for defining safeguards approaches and for their in-field implementation.
- JCM (hold once a year)
Top level(Deputy Director General: DDG) meeting is the Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) , which consider questions arising from the implementation of the Agreement and Protocol and examine the development of safeguards methods and techniques.
- Plenary Meeting (hold once or twice a year)
- Discuss on important issues among WGs
- Working Group Meetings (hold twice or more times per year)
- Discuss on issues to be resolved during implementing safeguards and improving the efficiency
- Technical Meetings (hold appropriately)
- Discuss on issues to be resolved during implementing safeguards and improving the efficiency

Training, Education, Outreach
Training, Education
To promote understanding of the nuclear material management, guidance and training for technical personnel, NMCC provides periodic seminars, lectures and regularly scheduled training courses on safeguards, nuclear material accountancy and physical protection, for the domestic nuclear material users.
For domestic use, NMCC issues the “Nuclear Material Control Center News” on a monthly basis and publishes leaflets, booklets and other materials related to safeguards and physical protection.

Training Course


Leaflets, Booklets