In-field Verification Activities
Simultaneous Inspection
NMCC inspectors conduct in-field safeguards activities to verify operators reports and declarations. The IAEA inspectors also perform a variety of activities in the field to verify a State fulfilling its safeguards obligations simultaneously.
Joint Use of Equipment
Safeguards equipment, such as NDA, surveillance camera and seal is jointly used with the IAEA in the field.
- Book Audit
- Item Counting, Item Identification
- NDA Measurement
- Sample Taking for DA
- C/S Service & Data Collection etc.
Book Audit, IC/ID
NDA, Sample Taking
C/S Service
Sample Analysis
Safeguards Laboratory
In order to confirm the precision, accuracy and reliability of operators' material balance reports, small amount of nuclear material samples are taken for the NMCC lab analysis.
On-Site Laboratory(OSL) in the RRP
The OSL in the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, which is jointly used with the IAEA, enables the inspectorate to conduct on-site sample verifications in an accurate and timely manner. NMCC and the IAEA analyze the samples independently for their independent conclusions.
Surface ionization mass spectrometry
Information Analysis
Information Analysis
Various information obtained in safeguards inspection, and analysis results of the samples are statistically compared with operators' nuclear material accounting reports whether operators have properly accounted for and declared nuclear material.
- Two-comparison analysis between inspectorate and operator on destructive and non-destructive assay data
- Performance analysis of measurement error
- Evaluation of SRD(shipper/receiver difference) and MUF(material unaccounted for)
- Evaluation of operator’s NRTA( near real time material accountancy) data
Information Processing Computer System
Technical Development and Research
In cooperation with the IAEA and LANL,NMCC has been developing the verification elements and systems to be applied to Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant(RRP) and JNFL MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant(J-MOX) .
NMCC researches domestic and international trends on nuclear non-proliferation, safeguards, nuclear security and physical protection, to strengthen the technical capability and increasing reliability for ensuring peaceful use of the nuclear activities.
Spent Fuel Assembly Verification
System at RRP
Improved Pu Canister Assay
System (iPCAS) at RRP
Advanced Verification for Inventory
Samples system (AVIS) for J-MOX